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phpAutoGallery is a auto indexing picture gallery written in php and with the help of mod_rewrite.

Current Features:
  • Application fully transparent to gallery-enduser
  • On-the-fly creation and caching of thumbnails, resized fullsize images, directory listings
  • Configurable view sizes for fullsize-image display
  • Overlaying of Copyright/Logo images on-the-fly.
  • Displays information about imagefiles and directories.
  • Folder- and picture-descriptions
  • Admin-interface
  • Easy to setup.
  • Fully customizable through the use of Smarty templates.
  • Generates valid XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.0 code


27. Jul. 2004 Version 0.9.6 released.

  • changed some detection stuff. fixed some issues with the php-cgi version.
  • phpAutoGallery now remembers on which thumbnail-page the user was.
  • 24. Jul. 2004 Version 0.9.5 released.

  • changed the htaccess rewrite-rules. (hopefully to simpler and more compatible ones)
  • windows compatible
  • changed charset to UTF-8
  • added folder- and picture-descriptions
  • added sorting of folders and pictures (by name, date, size)
  • added an admin interface
  • added quick-navigation select-menu
  • new directory-layout (better seperation of templates (themes))
  • smarty templates_c folder now in $cfg['tmp_path'] too
  • decoded_green template: changed tooltips to faked javascript tooltips (more/better information can be shown)
  • bugfixes
  • 09. Nov. 2003 Homepage online.
    Initial Release. Version 0.9.0
    03. Nov. 2003 Created Sourceforge project. Logo